Sunday, October 30, 2011

Dehydrating Broccoli

Today I had some small heads of broccoli to preserve. So the tops went in to be blanched but I had heard that you could use the stems as well.

So I peeled them with a carrot peeler and cut them in rounds and blanched them. Then I put them in the dehydrator. You are supposed to dry them and then grind them up in your food processor to make broccoli powder which is good in dips and soups. Sounds like a fine idea to me. Less waste the better.


  1. Thanks for this one Becky, I will certainly try it out

  2. When preparing broccoli I always use the stem too. You have to peel it carefully to remove any stringy bits, but the inner part is lovely and succulent. I cut it into rounds or batons. It's like the texture of a carrot with the flavour of broccoli.

  3. Wow, making broccoli powder for flavoring? I never thought of that, but I'll definitely have to try it. Thanks.

  4. I have mine dried and in the jar but haven't had the time to whip it into powder. Maybe tomorrow. I think it will be great in dips and soups.
