Monday, April 7, 2014

Just a Little Potato/Flower/Railings Update

Took a few pictures yesterday to show you all. This is what the potatoes in the pots look like now. They are really growing great!

I also got around to cleaning out the front flower bed. It usually grows flowers among the weeds and lemon balm but I am going to try to keep up with it this year. I want to get some mulch for it. Was going to do that today but with all the thundering outside...maybe not. I planted some snapdragons along the front and some flower called penta by the side of the steps.

I always leave some of the wild violets. They are just so pretty.

Phil was busy yesterday too. He was finishing tiling a bathroom for some friends of ours and then he came home with some wood and finally made railings going up the porch steps. So much nicer on my foot and knees.

So glad it is raining today! The pollen has been terrible! Everything is completely yellow. Plus it means that I don't have to water the gardens at the Club for a couple days. Going to try to get out there tomorrow with a few kids and plant the tomatoes and a few peppers.


  1. I like your determination this year! Those potatoes are looking good. Mine are only an inch or two tall so far.
    I empathise in relation to the pollen situation. We have been suffering very badly from a combination of local and continental pollution, along with dust brought in by the wind from the Sahara desert!

    1. I can't believe how fast these grew. I just put the rest of the soil in there a few days ago and they were barely poking out of the soil. The pollen is just terrible here but it did rain today so that will kick it down a couple days. Then we'll be right back to yellow again.

  2. Its exciting to see potatoes growing! Hope you get a good harvest.

    1. I'll be happy to have any harvest but these are nice big containers and nice soil from the duck maybe.

  3. I love watching potatoes grow...they are so amazing! Our cottonwood is "blooming"...cotton fluff every where and I'm sneezing my butt off!

  4. You potatoes are looking good - mine are just about to go into the ground.

  5. Hi Becky! Glad to see your potatoes are doing well in the container! I haven't planted potatoes yet. Not sure if I will. You know how it is: so much to do; so little time! The rain is very helpful this time of year! I'm thankful for every drop! Hope to see more photos soon! Blessings from Bama!

  6. Hi Becky, potatoes are the one thing I want to grow when I get the gardens put in at my remote cabin among other things. Your plantings look good.

  7. Potatoes are so much fun to grow
