Friday, November 25, 2011

Black Friday Canning

No it isn't turkey! It is the leftover roast and gravy that was in the frig from the other day. It won't get eaten now that there is so much good turkey to eat so I am canning it. No I don't have a specific recipe but it has meat in it and is in pints so it is being canned for 75 minutes. I have canned it several times before. No, there isn't a whole lot of it, just 3 pints but I only have as small canner and I don't see what difference it makes. The leftovers from such a good meal have to be saved and there is no room in the freezer beside if it was frozen it would likely not get used. We love leftover roast and gravy on eggs for breakfast and a jar of it is so much easier.  
That is not all that is happening here today. I have quail hatching again. Not many and that is my fault for not watching the incubator well enough. I really need a new one I think. It holds temperature real good for days and then one morning you wake up to 3 quail sitting in an incubator that reads 94 degrees. Not good. There are other pips in some of the other eggs but I doubt they will make it.
I also plan to get down to the garden, clear the old sour cherry bushes from in front of it and rake and pile leaves down there to start a spot of good dirt for the grapes to be planted in.

It is so nice to have more than one day to get things accomplished here this week!


  1. I'm enjoying the *extra* time off myself. I'm canning elderberry syrup and making stock from beef shin bones...keeps the house warm! I'll be down at the garden later today: little bit cold right now. Your canned beef looks delicious!

  2. Thanks Lynda, I wish we had elderberries here. I sure would like to have some. They seem to be used for so many things.

  3. I have unexpected chicks hatching also. Looks like they will be spending the winter in the kitchen?

  4. Did you ever count how many of those jars you have? You are certainly an expert at the art of canning!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I really need to utilize my pressure canner more. I just picked up 10# of potatoes for $1.50. Should can some this weekend.

  7. We like canned potatoes. They have to be canned in large chunks or they get a bit mushy but Phil fries them with garlic and thyme and they are wonderful even if a bit mushy (because he can't leave them alone long enough to "fry", he turns them too much). I got 10 lbs of potatoes today too but mine were $3-which was a good price here.

  8. Ok Mark, I have gone and done a quick count of the jars of home canned food and I came up with exactly 80 at the moment. There are a few open jars in the frig as well-jams, sauerkraut, etc.
    These, of course, are just the jars that I have canned. My "storage" is considerably larger with store bought food. It seems like a lot but I think people who store food tend to over estimate what they have. I would say we could live comfortably for 3 months on the food we have, longer if we knew we had to and were being careful with it.
