Friday, February 21, 2014

The Generator Is Here!

So our new generator arrived today while I was at work.

It is just a small one but should provide us with some real comfort the next time the power goes out. We are going to get some gas and oil for it tomorrow and test it out to make sure it works. I'll post an update when we do.
I also ordered a small greenhouse today since the greenhouse we built has now been taken over by shade and cannot be moved (since one side of the greenhouse now makes up one side of a chicken pen). I just wanted a little something to grow a few things in. We'll see how it goes when I get it in as well.


  1. Aha, a step further towards self-sufficiency. Now you need to work out how to make fuel for it (at home, I mean). Maybe it would run on recycled cooking-oil?? :) Actually, now that you have invested in this generator you can be pretty sure that you will not get any more mains power-outages for a while!

    1. Yes, I'm sure we won't have any for years now, ha ha.

  2. Hi Becky! So glad you have this! Hopefully you won't have to use it much! The greenhouse will be nice when the weather gets a wee bit warmer. I've got one this year and I will set plants in it, but not before the next cold front moves through next week! Have a great weekend! Blessings from Bama!

    1. I don't even want to talk about that cold front coming through next week! We did miss the bad storms that came through yesterday so maybe we will get lucky.

    2. I'm hoping that missing the wind and thunder storms will keep us from getting that next cold winter storm too.

  3. Hey becky, just curious, did you figure the wattage of everything you will run in your place?

    1. Oh this won't run everything. We mainly just hope it will run a heater (if needed) and a few lights. Even that would be much more comfortable for us.

  4. Hi Becky,
    Your generator gives you a little peace of mind that if the power goes out your ready. We haven't used ours a lot but it was nice when we did. A greenhouse is nice to have too. Please let us know what you put in it. Can't wait for spring!
