Wednesday, August 10, 2011

I'm Pretty Sure....

this is gonna be real, REAL good!
Yes, this is one of those roasters I showed you after I butchered it. It is about done and smelling quite nice. I am sure it will be used for several meals, sandwiches, whatever.


  1. Oooo man, I'm hungry & that looks so yummy, I bet it does smell good.

  2. It was great but there is a lot left still. Going to have chicken sandwiches for lunch, then maybe chicken casserole for supper.

  3. How's the garden, Becky? You haven't written about it much recently. I'm assuming you ate home-grown veg with that lovely chicken.

  4. It's dead. For the most part anyway. 3 weeks with several days each over 100 and no rain pretty much killed it. There are some tomatoes still growing in the raised bed in the back yard but not many. I am thinking about trying to start a fall garden though, if it ever rains again that is :(
