Thursday, February 17, 2011

This Weeks Harvest

Yeah I know. Amazing! She actually grew something! These little heads which were left in the garden way too long (because I hoped they would get bigger) were today's harvest. They may not seem impressive to some but since I have never had anything grow in my fall garden, I am pretty impressed.
There were also more eggs than two duck eggs. There are bantam eggs out there but I have left them in the nest in the hopes that some of the bantam hens will go broody and hatch some chicks themselves instead of me having to have the incubator running all summer; and there was a pheasant egg which I always give to one of the cats who comes begging every day for an egg.
In other gardening news: the tomato plants on the windowsill have grown way too big and need to be transplanted into deeper pots which I can't seem to find. Two of the pepper seeds sprouted and that is it for peppers so far. the basil sprouted and some new marigold seeds sprouted.
Outside in the raised bed the spinach, lettuce and radishes have all sprouted and seem to be loving our nice weather lately but the peas have yet to make an appearance; it is possible those seeds were too old and I need to replant.
My plan is to get Phil to rototill the larger, lower garden this weekend now that I have cut the cauliflower or to at least start the rototiller for me so I can do it myself (--what usually happens).
So that is all my gardening news so far. Will take more pictures when I get the chance.


  1. You did better than me. I've never grown a cauliflower. Broccoli, yes, Cavolo Nero, yes, cabbages, yes, but never a cauliflower. And certainly never a home-produced egg. I want to see pictures of how your tomatoes are doing...

  2. Good job on those heads. They're bigger than what I got this past year! It spurs you on when at least you get something, doesn't it?

  3. It really does. It just gives me all this hope for this year, lol.
