Sunday, December 5, 2010

Crockpot Strawberry Banana Butter

This is another recipe made up by me.

15 bananas assorted sizes
1 lb strawberries, sliced
3/4 cup lemon juice
3 1/2 cups sugar
1 T. butter

Put it all in a large crockpot and turn it on high. Mash it as best you can. Cook it for a couple hours with the top slightly off. Use an electric mixer to mix it more (Be careful ! It is very hot!). Cook it until it is the consistency you would like. Fill jars, adjust lids. Boiling water bath 10 minutes. Mine made a little more than 5 pints.


  1. Hey Becky, do you add the butter at the beginning and let it cook in or stir it in after its all cooked down? This looks like such a great and easy recipe I can't wait to try it!

  2. It is added at the beginning. I basically just took the recipe from my Better Homes and Gardens canning book and added strawberries and adjusted the amounts up some because I had a lot of bananas. It really has a great taste to it. Hard to describe, it isn't banana or just strawberry like but a really nice mix of the two.

    1. Hi Elvira here i have never canned before always afraid they explode or something on these screw on jars do u tighten the lids down? Seems if you don't everything boils out and will any pot do?
      I am 67 next week and finaly retired now i have time to do all things i was never able todo before I want to try everything so i need allllll the help i can get :)Thanks

    2. Before you do any canning I suggest you grab a canning cook book and read up on how to can using a water bath. For safety sake you need to know how to sterilize and use a water bath befor you start. This recipe is vert simple and can be done but you need to know the basics of canningj. Otherwise you can get boutilizm.

    3. Bought the ingredients today and Definitely trying this tomorrow!
      Bout how long did it take to cook down to right consistency??

    4. Is this shelf stable?

  3. Becky,
    Wonderful creation.
    I made some strawberry curd early this year, still have a jar of it. Anyway, your Strawberry banana butter looks just like it in the jar. I am bookmarking this recipe to make the next time strawberries are in season in the U.K.

  4. I do not know what strawberry curd is. Is that on your blog? What do you use it for? I recently saw a post on another blog about lemon curd that I intend to try. Curd is something new to me.

  5. My Dad always talks about his mom's homemade lemon curd, unfortunately when she passed, she took the recipe with her. He's tried many varieties, but says none tastes the way hers used to.

    On the strawberry banana, do you not have to use any pectin to thicken?

  6. Normally on my regular banana butter I use liquid pectin because that is what that recipe calls for but when I made this one I went by the recipe in my Betty Crocker canning book and it didn't call for it. I really can't see any difference at all and doubt I would use pectin in banana butter again. You just cook it down until it is as thick as you want just like you would with apple butter.

  7. Hi Becky,
    Was goign to make your recipe, but I'm still waiting on local strawberries, instead I've just made some 'Banana curd'. Your recipe may have a few more month.

    Oh you asked about my strawbery curd recipe. The link to the post is below.

  8. Looks delish.. what is it used for?

  9. So cool and easy. Thank you. I use to can the old fashion way. A lot of work.

  10. Do you have to use fresh bananas? Or can you use older frozen bananas like you would for banana nut bread?

  11. OMG ya'll I just finished making a crockpot full of this wonderful goodness! As with most recipes you can tweek it here and there. I ended up with about 18 or 19 bananas because that is what I had on hand. and since I canned strawberry jam yesterday i had about 4 pounds left over so i just opened the bag and poured about half in the crockpot. i am guessing i got close on the sugar and lemon juice and butter. Mine cooked about 4 hours. I was not sure how well received it would be at gift giving time, so i put it up in the little 4 ounce jars, got 28 in all which would be 14 half pint jars, 7 pints. I also used a box of pectin in mine because I was not sure how it would thicken without it. I am here to tell you give me a jar and a spoon and i can go to town! It is WONDERFUL! the finished product is as smooth and creamy as yogurt and every bite is heaven!

  12. I made this and love it. Only fault I have is after canned does not keep very long mine kept just over 4-5 weeks. (Did I do something wrong ?) I lost 8 pints. I now only make small batches.
