Monday, June 1, 2020

Sad Little Tomatoes

So I am not doing any real gardening these days. The trees have just grow in so much that there isn't enough sunlight in our yard but I still have pots of things. A few pepper plants, a few squash plants, potatoes in a pot and yesterday I picked up some of the saddest looking tomato plants. They were in little 4 inch peat pots and apparently hadn't gotten much watering even though it has rained a lot here lately. They were marked down to $ .74 and I really think they are only worth about $ .10 but I was inspired by looking at my daughter and her fiancĂ©'s tomato plants. They have some wonderfully big plants that they just grew from seeds from a tomato from the store and they have quite a few tomatoes on just 3 plants! Anyway, I thought I would try to save these three. I brought them home last night and watered them real good overnight. This morning I found these gallon pots and with some Miracle Grow Potting Soil (the only kind we seem to have this year), they were re-potted. 

Then I decided to make more room in the house under the grow lights by putting the three basil plants I had in with them.

And now it is just a "wait and see" game. Not really anything major but I wanted us to have some before pictures.